Collecting Data / Forms
The Dohne is the only livestock breed in Australia that requires it’s ram breeders to record and use full-pedigree and performance records and report across-flock, performance genetic evaluation, i.e. ASBVs and Index values.
All records are backed by the ADBA’s Quality Assurance (QA) system. Each registered sheep’s QA performance is reported on this website, and if purchased, is available as a ADBA Flock Book Certificate on the associations watermarked paper. Your guarantee of quality.
Sheep CRC Visual Scores booklet
Syndicate Sire Pedigree
The 2017 Annual General Meeting of the ADBA approved the use of Syndicate sire matings for Dohne Stud flocks in addition to single sire matings that have been required in the past. Up to 30% of an annual progeny drop can be from syndicate matings. The requirements of how to conduct and report Syndicate sires matings are available in detail now and important to get right. If you are interested in using Syndicate sires for your upcoming mating please contact Allan Casey or Rachel Browne Stud breeders will obtain information on syndicate mating as well as other topics after Council’s February 2018 meeting however if you want to consider using a syndicate this mating please ask now.
Allan Casey – 0408 279 719
For more information on Syndicate Sire Pedigree – Click Here
The initiative and commitment to establish such a service reflects the ADBA’s desire to effectively service commercial producers and their customers.
How to collect EMD and FAT data
In the April newsletter I considered if Dohne ram breeders should directly evaluate EMD and Fat? I consider in general the answer is definitely Yes! If you do want to evaluate EMD and Fat how do you go about it?
Definition and evaluation for Dohne breeders.
Subcutaneous fat depth (FAT) and eye muscle depth (EMD) are measured at the C site, that is the 12/13th rib, 45mm from the centre of the spine.
For Dohne breeders FAT and EMD are optional to evaluate however highly recommended at post weaning or yearling age (between 210 and 400 days, preferably under 300 days). A live weight must be obtained at the same time.
In terms of assessment of FAT, variation between sheep in the group is critical. To obtain variation a good rule of thumb is for the group to have an average condition score of 2.5 or greater. While there can be advantages in evaluation at the post weaning age there is no advantage if the group doesn’t have an average score of 2.5 or greater. The following link is a great explanation of how to condition score including a video
Many Dohne breeders opt to only measure rams however ewes are also critical to measure if good genetic progress is to be achieved.
An accredited ultra-sound scanner must be used to evaluate FAT and EMD to meet quality assurance requirements. Accredited scanners are independent operators contracted by breeders. A link to the list of accredited scanners is;
EMD and FAT are both moderately heritable. They are also moderately correlated (r=0.61), such that sheep with increased fat depth will generally also have increased muscle depth.
While higher ASBVs for fat depth have a positive association with higher reproduction performance, this effect explains only minimal variation in reproductive performance and was extremely variable among flocks and years. Selecting on fat or eye muscle depth is definitely not a substitute for selection directly on reproduction.
Dohne Data
For all Dohne breeders, it is mandatory to obtain Sheep Genetics membership before you are able to submit data.
Data is not to be submitted direct to Sheep Genetics, it needs to be submitted directly to the Dohne Database (Brett Wilson) along with ADBA Data Submission & Report Request Form (pdf).
Data may be sent in a wide range of formats and if they have any questions to contact Brett Wilson:
The Dohne analysis is carried twice a month by Sheep Genetics after the 7th and 21st of each month. The Dohne database needs to process breeder data and have the data to sheep Genetics by 5pm on these dates or the Friday before if the 7th or 21st falls on a weekend.
To make sure your data is submitted in the analysis you require, you must have your data to Brett 3 days before the analysis dates, i.e 4th and 18th of each month.
When can you evaluate traits?
Progeny Group: All progeny of the same sex in a mating group (all progeny born in a period that is no longer than 35 days) must be recorded for the required traits in the correct manner.
Stage 1: (Weaner) Evaluation Weaning WT must be evaluated between 42to 120 days old (1.5to 4.0months old)and stage 1Grade is optional.
Stage 2: (Yearling) GFW if not already evaluated at the post weaning age. GFW can be evaluated between 240 and 540 days of age with a minimum of 180 days wool growth, Likewise FD and FDCV must be evaluated between 210 and 540 days of age with a minimum of 150 days wool growth. In addition to these fleece traits, an ADBA Approved Classer’s Grade must be evaluated between 270 and 400 days of age, with a minimum 120 days wool growth.
Progeny are required to be evaluated for body weight (WT) in the 120 to 300 days post weaning age period. The large majority of progeny in a group on the day the group are evaluated must have a WT over 30kgs. If eye muscle depth (EMD) and fat depth (Fat) are going to be evaluated these traits also should preferably be evaluated in the post weaning age period and have body weight recorded but are not compulsory.
All Stage 2 data, Assessors Form and Request Form must be forwarded to the database.
For Word Version of this request form please email
Sheep Genetics:
Once the forms are completed for Sheep Genetic please sent them too:
Sheep Genetics
Building W41a, The Short Run, UNE ARMIDALE NSW 2351
On-farm Data Management software is also available from commercial companies to allow breeders or their service providers to maintain their on-farm database.
Details on data management software providers – Click Here
For further information contact Dohne Data
Brett Wilson
57 Gladstone Road, Leura NSW 2780
Ph. 0411 541 034