Apparel Wool, Meat for a Feast

June Newsletter 2020

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2020 Dohne Journal
The National Council and the Promotions Group are working diligently via a number of avenues to secure the future of our Association and your breed.
By now, you should have all received the 2020 Dohne Journal and we hope that you will distribute these widely amongst your contacts.
Now that the publication is available; the responsibility lies with you, as ram breeders, to get the information out there to your agents, clients and prospective clients.
With diminished opportunities for field days and shows in 2020, we strongly encourage you to be more proactive in your marketing and advertising activities.
The 2020 Dohne Journal is a publication encompassing the best stories over the last 20 years.
These articles cover all the subjective and objective benefits of the Dohne; high fertility, rapid growth rates, hardiness, quality apparel wool, bare breech and ASBVs.
Our rigid compliance data collection system is the pinnacle of performance recording; the benchmark for sheep breeds.
Although far from the biggest breed, the influence the Dohne has had in changing the course, make and shape of the Australian sheep is profound.
Jump on board, this breed is here to stay and the best is yet to come.

View the 2020 Dohne Journal online

Tissue Sampling Units (TSU’s)
Tissue Sampling Units (TSU’s) are now the best method of collecting DNA samples for both parentage or Genomics testing. They protect the integrity and provide secure storage of the material. By using scanners and bar-codes, it is easy to send identifying files to the processing facility.
TSU’s are manufactured by Allflex and are available through your retailer; so are the application tools as pictured.
Please refer to emails from Cameron Hills to Stud Breeders for more information.
Please remember the $2 rebate provided by the ADBA for those of you who wish to contribute to the Genomics collection.

Timely Data Submission
Brett Wilson needs to check all Dohne data before submitting it to Sheep Genetics on the 7th and 21st of each month. To make sure your data is submitted in the analysis you require, you must have your data to Brett 3 days before the analysis dates, i.e 4th and 18th of each month.

Practical Guide
Dohne Database