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November Newsletter 2023

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Vale Martin Pattie
Council would like to inform members of the passing of Martin Pattie, Glencairn Dohne Stud, Marlborough New Zealand. Martin Pattie aged 63, passed away at Omaka Aerodrome in Blenheim on Saturday, October 21 after the gyrocopter he was piloting crashed. Martin was the sole occupant of the aircraft.
The Funeral Service for Martin was held at the Awatere Memorial Hall, Seddon on Saturday, October 28. This service was livestreamed and is still able to be watched. 
Martin’s Farewell Service – Click Here
Martin’s calling was to grow good wool and at the funeral attendees were invited to take a staple of wool as a lasting memory of Martin.
Martin was a long standing members of the Australian Dohne Breeders’ Association. Glencairn Dohne Stud was started in the late 1990’s using embryos from Australia.
In 2016 Martin attended the ADBA Global Dohne Conference and Tours in Australia and again catching up with Dohne Breeders in early 2018 for the Dohne Merino Conference in Uruguay.  In July 2018 ADBA was delighted to have Martin back in Australia as the Dohne Marquee judge at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in Bendigo VIC. 
Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with his partner Lyn Brown and his family.
South Marlborough is feeling the loss of a “larger-than-life” farmer who suddenly passed away.
Martin will be deeply missed by all that knew him. 
As it was Martin’s passion to grow good wool and in doing so, Lyn and Martin were able to produce their own woollen garments. These garments will be a lasting memory of Martin. Below is Martin wearing one of these garments.

Martin Pattie, Glencairn Dohne Stud, Marlborough New Zealand

Dohne Sale Result
Sale report and photo on behalf of  Stock and Land.

Southern Ram Sale, Wanganella NSW
46 rams sold to $2800 and averaged $1463.
Full Sale Report – Click Here

The second top-priced ram of the sale, DD Dohnes DJ220493, purchased for $2700 to Victorian Stud Koonik Dohnes, with Gary Simpson, Sheep-trax, Dunkeld Vic, Margie Pye, Calga Dohnes, Calga stud representative, Bruce Barnes-Webb, Sandy Pye Calga Dohnes and stud master Jason Southwell. Photo: Helen De Costa.

Jamestown Show Report
The Australian Dohne Breeders’ Association was represented at the Jamestown Show this year on the October Long Weekend, by Clover Downs Dohne Merinos and Ulooloo Dohne Merinos.
The competition was held on the Sunday in good weather for a reasonable crowd, while Monday’s heat and wind deterred many people.

  • Champion Pair of Rams, Clover Downs
  • Champion Ram, Clover Downs
  • Champion Pair of Ewes, Ulooloo
  • Champion Ewe, Ulooloo
  • Dohne Merino Fleeces Short and Long , Ulooloo

Thanks, Cody Jones, for judging and the Committee and Sponsors for making the day possible.
Greg Hall, ADBA President 

Champion Pair of Rams, Clover Downs

Dohne Merino Rams line up. Champion Ram, Clover Downs and Reserve Champion Ram, Ulooloo.

Champion Pair of Ewes, Ulooloo.
States’ Year in Review South Australia
South Australian Dohne ram sales for 2023 have seen some mixed results reflecting the current issues that are facing the whole sheep industry at the moment. Overall sales returned a 72% clearance rate at an average of $1354. Top price ram sold for the state came from the Hillveiw Stud at $4200 and the highest average of $1986 recorded by O’Brien Stud. I encourage all stud and commercial Dohne Merino breeders to continue to showcase the attributes of the breed which will be a highly attractive package as prices rebound and stabilise. Hopefully in the not too distant future! Good luck to everyone for the rest of this year and in to 2024.
Stock Journal – Dohne Sale Reports – Click Here
Rob Hall, ADBA South Australian President 

$4,200 top price for South Australia – Hillview Dohne Stud.

$1986 top average for South Australia – O’Brien Dohne Stud.

States’ Year in Review Western Australia
Despite the challenges facing the WA (and Australian) sheep industry at the time ram sales were commencing; WA had an impressive 83% clearance rate of the 655 rams offered at public auction in 2023. Numbers offered were down 102 head on 2022, and the average price paid was down $250 per head, to reach $1171. The decreased offering can predominantly be attributed to the former Kintail Park Dohne Stud not offering rams in 2023. WA’s top public auction price was achieved by Far Valley ($6,100), where 92/105 rams offered sold to average $1670. Chirniminup Dohnes achieved the state’s top average price ($1680), and once again had the largest offering, selling 229 of the 241 rams presented on the day. Mollerin Rock had a larger offering than 2022, selling the same number of rams for a very similar average to last year and topping at $3600.Regrettably, the ADBA says goodbye to another stud; Denvale Dohnes. Best of wishes to the Sounness Family into the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind all Dohne Stud Breeders that the Dohne is the Feature Breed at Bendigo in 2024 and this would be the perfect year for as many studs to take sheep to display in the Dohne Marquee.  Keep an eye out for more info coming via Kaye; the ADBA Secretary.
All the best for the coming months.
Farm Weekly – Dohne Sale Reports – Click Here
Rachel Browne, ADBA Vice President

$6100 top price for Western Australia – Far Valley Dohne Stud

$1680 top average for Western Australia – Chirniminup Dohnes

Expressions of Interest for a Photographer
The ADBA is looking for a dedicated photographer for next year’s Australian Sheep and Wool Show at Bendigo VIC.
As you are all fully aware the Dohne will be the Feature Breed in 2024. The association would like to capture this milestone event with quality photos. 
You would need to be able to attend the 3 days, Friday 19 to Sunday 21 July 2024. 
If you have artistic flair and a strong eye for visual storytelling, we would love hear from you, please email

Practical Guide
Dohne Database