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Dohne Merino Sale Results
New South Wales Sale
Sale reports and photos on behalf of The Land.
Southern Ram Sale, Wanganella NSW
46 rams sold to $3000 and averaged $1150.
Full Report – Click Here

The $3000 top-priced ram held by Sandy Pye, Calga Dohnes, Coonamble, purchased by repeat buyers Willoway Farming Pty Ltd, Keith, SA. Picture supplied.
States’ Year in Review South Australia
South Australian Dohne Merino ram sales for 2024 have overall been quite strong compared to the previous year with an increased 87% clearance rate at the only slightly lower average of $1287. This is a pleasing result in what for most South Australia has been one of, if not the lowest rainfall year on record. It’s great to see Dohne Merino breeders showing confidence in the breed and sheep in general even in a tough year. Top price ram sold for the state was $3600 achieved by Mt Alma and Glen Holme studs. The highest average of $1452 was recorded by Mt Alma. Good luck to everyone for the rest of this year hoping some late rains arrive for where they can still do some good and fingers crossed for a far more “normal” 2025.
Stock Journal – Dohne Sale Reports – Click Here
Rob Hall, ADBA South Australian President

Equal $3,600 top price and $1452 top average for South Australia – Mt Alma Dohne Merino Stud.

Equal $3,600 top price for South Australia – Glen Holme Dohne Merino Stud.
States’ Year in Review Western Australia
Western Australia had four studs conducting public auctions this year. The decline from seven the previous year resulted in offerings being down from 655 to 508. The average clearance rate was 77% and ranged from 93% to 42%. The state average was $1221, which was a very slight increase on 2023.
Western Australian’s top public auction price was achieved by Far Valley $4000, where 72/101 rams offered sold to average $1324. Chirniminup Dohnes achieved the state’s top average price $1574, and once again had the largest offering, selling 189 of the 221 rams presented on the day. Mollerin Rock had the highest clearance percentage (93%), averaging $1084 for the 94 rams sold. Regrettably, the C-View, Harold Park North and Denvale studs did not have sales this year. All the best for the coming months.
Farm Weekly – Dohne Sale Reports – Click Here
Rachel Browne, Western Australia Representative

$4000 top price for Western Australia – Far Valley Dohne Stud

$1574 top average for Western Australia – Chirniminup Dohnes
World Benchrest Shooting Federation
The 3rd World Benchrest Shooting Federation (WBSF) titles were held in Valencia, Spain in September 2024. Australia sent 10 shooters consisting of three teams of three people and a reserve shooter.
Brett Wilson (Dohne Database Manager) was the number one shooter in the team and the lead off shooter for the Australia A team. The event is contested over four days. The shooting is contested at 50 meters with the desired 10-point scoring ring being 4mm across. Wind flags are used to calculated the bullet drift on its way to the target. The first two days was the teams’ event where individual scores are aggregated to form a team result. The Australia “A” team finished 6th and the best of the Australian teams. Brett’s individual score placed him 13th overall with four near perfect targets and two poorer targets. The last two was for the individual event. Brett could not maintain the high standard of shooting and finished the individual component in 35th of 90 shooters. Brett enjoyed a small holiday in Barcelona after the event, time spent as a tourist visiting the sights like Basílica de la Sagrada Família started by architect Antoni Gaudí in 1882 and watching the leadup races to the America’s cup yacht race. Congratulations Brett for all your achievements at the (WBSF).

The Australian Team.

Brett Wilson at the Shooting Bench.

One of Brett’s 250 score targets (250-25 is perfect).