Tour to Western Australia
Western Australia
Tuesday 26 July to Friday 29 July 2016
Tuesday 26th July 2016
Location: Perth
Depart from Adelaide on Flight QF595 at 5:30pm and Arrive Perth 7.25pm WA time.
Day 1: Wednesday 27 July 2016 ( Meals D )
Location: Muresk
Depart from Adelaide on Flight QF595 at 5:30pm and Arrive Perth 7.25pm WA time.
Delegates will be collected form Perth Airport and travel to Muresk Institute Northam for the WA Dohne Sire Day. Dohne breeders from across Western Australia will be available to discuss their breeding programs and have a selection of animals on display. Delegates will have the opportunity to view the Muresk partnership and meet staff and students studying a variety of Agricultural courses. Dinner will be in the historic Muresk homestead with Western Australian Dohne Breeders and Staff from Muresk.
For Additional Information regarding Muresk please visit
All the WA Dohne Studs will have their top genetics on display at MURESK INSTITUTE so don’t over look this opportunity to observe the state’s best dohne rams on show in the one place at the same time.
Time: 1pm Display opens
Cameron McMaster the “Father” of the Dohne Breed from South Africa
3.30 pm
Commercial Breeders Workshop
8.80am – 2.45pm
Muresk in conjunction with Dohne Breeders Assoc. are hosting a commercial breeder’s work shop (Ram Select Day) at Muresk for their students. This day is open to anyone wanting to enhance their knowledge on the Dohne breed, the selection of rams, ewes and the use of ASBV’s to increase their flock productivity and profitability.
Anyone interested in attending this day is more than welcome please contact:
Rhys Parsons: 0428351500 or Colleen Parsons: 0427351128
Places are limited so get in early.
Course facilitators: Allan Casey
Accommodation: – Muresk
Day 2: Thursday 28 July 2016 ( Meals B L D )
Location: Muresk
Cameron McMaster the “Father” of the Dohne Breed from South Africa will conduct a Ram Breeding Workshop today. This will be an incredible opportunity to meet with Cameron and discuss concepts with a pioneer of the breed.
International delegates will be given the opportunity to share their farming experiences with the students from Muresk. The students would appreciate hearing first-hand about agriculture in other areas of the world, both in general terms and also individual farming practices.
Accommodation: – Muresk
Day 3: Friday 29 July 2016 ( Meals B L D )
Location: Muresk
The Ram Breeding Workshop will conclude today by noon. Transport will be provided to delegates back to Perth. You are free to extend your stay to visit tourist attractions of Perth, Fremantle and further afield, AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE. Alternatively you can use the time before flight home to do a quick tour of Perth and pick up some mementoes for family and friends back home.