Apparel Wool, Meat for a Feast

Past News

Dohnes Utilise Feed Better

“Dohne lambs are also definitely stronger at birth – I’m sure that’s what has helped us up our lambing percentage”. Continue reading

Dohnes improve market opportunities for Narromine producers

A SHIFT to Dohnes has led to improved lambing percentages and marketing opportunities for the White family at “Alvaholme”, Narromine. Patrick and Leanne White, in partnership with Patrick’s parents Pat and Gail, made the change from a self-replacing Merino operation about six years ago. About 1500 ewes, mostly third-cross Dohnes, are run on on the 1950-hectare property, alongside a large farming operation which includes another 680ha of leased country. Continue reading

Dohnes handle the dry at Cunnamulla

DOHNES have proven their ability to handle the sometimes harsh conditions on the Clark family’s property “Pabra”, near Cunnamulla in south west Queensland. They run between 2000 and 3500 ewes, depending on the season, with the operation traditionally running a Merino flock. Continue reading

Wool and meat value makes Dohne a winner in South Australia

“The Dohne cross lambs will achieve daily weight gains of 320-360 grams compared to Merinos on 260-280 grams,’’ Mr Head said. “Dohnes are easy care, plainer sheep with the ability to cut 4.5-5kg of wool and lamb at 10-15 per cent above the Merino.” Continue reading

The Dohne does stack up well financially

“The Dohne sheep presents a very different alternative to sheep producers than previously available sheep genetics in Australia. With emphasis on both meat and wool traits, it presents the potential to have a true dual purpose sheep, which provides an alternative to the fine or medium wool Merinos and specialist prime lamb breeds or composites that have been traditionally used in sheep enterprises.” Continue reading

Dohnes Drive Profit & Growth For Farmanco

“The great thing about Dohnes is that they've got the right breeding objectives and they are completely measurable.” The great thing about Dohnes is that they’ve got the right breeding objectives and they are completely measurable. We do significant analysis over a number of Dohne flocks across various clients and we can monitor, compare and benchmark against other breeds in our operation. The results for Dohnes really come through in terms that we are making solid returns out of meat, about the same from wool but with lower production costs. Continue reading

Practical Guide

Dohne Database

Facebook Feed

Australian Dohne Breeders' Association
Australian Dohne Breeders' Association3 hours ago
Tue, 18 February 2025, 2:00 PM (SYD, NSW) AEDT
Lot 242 - 520 NSM Ewes (WHITE CLIFFS, NSW)
#Dohnes #DohneMerino #Auction #MLA #AWI #sheep
Australian Dohne Breeders' Association
Australian Dohne Breeders' Association1 day ago
Alfoxton On Property Ram Sale, Armidale NSW
Monday 17th February
10am Inspection
1pm Auction
56 Dohne Rams
Interfaced with AuctionsPlus (link below)👇
#Dohnes #DohneMerino #AWI #MLA #Auction #Sheep #Rams